Faith Works & NewsOctober 8, 2021
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Know Christ! Live Christ! Make Christ Known!
The time has come to subscribe (or renew your subscription) to the “Lutheran Witness” for 2022. Subscriptions are $14.25, and you can make your check out to Faith Lutheran with “Lutheran Witness” in the memo line. Mail it to Faith Lutheran Church, 4010 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628. The check for the subscription needs to be a separate check from your offering. Checks are due in the church office by Monday, October 11.Please confirm your mailing address, as well!By ordering together, the annual subscription to the “Lutheran Witness” is $5.74 less than a single subscription. Plus, you receive The “Texas Messenger” as a bonus with the “Lutheran Witness.” Contact the church office if you have any questions. |
What Is A Lay Reader? A lay reader is a person who reads the scripture lessons during our worship services. Public scripture reading is an important ministry as the reader becomes a vehicle for sharing God’s word with the congregation. Who Can Be A Lay Reader? Members of Faith who have the gift and commitment to read. This is a very practical way to invite people to become more involved with our church. A schedule for the 2022 lay readers will be published before the end of this year. You will receive a copy of the worship guide from the church office a few days before your scheduled date, so you can prepare and review the scripture reading.
The next meeting is Sunday, November 14. Going forward from then, the group will meet on the Second Sunday of month in Room B116, 5:30-7:30 p.m.. We will use a six-session study titled “The Dwelling Place of God: Lessons from Ezra and Haggai,” which highlights God’s longing to dwell among us. To let us know you are interested or for more information, contact Jill Meyer or CLICK HERE. (There will not be a meeting Oct. 10.)
IN THE NEWS! Weekly Financial Status UpdateOctober 3 Sunday Summary
1 $24,386.54 needed weekly to meet 2021 adjusted budget. Sunday Worship Links
Sun. | 10-10 |
8:15 AM |
Worship Service (LIVE STREAM) |
Mon. | 10-11 |
9:00 AM |
Prayer Warriors (Zoom) |
Tues. | 10-12 |
9:30 AM |
Helping Hands |
Wed. | 10-13 | 10:30 AM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM |
Midweek Bible Class: “Trustworthy” Barnes Compass Group High School ECHO |
Thur. | 10-14 |
6:30 AM |
Men of Faith Bible Study |
Fri. | 10-15 |
10:00 AM |
Bags to Mats |
Sun. | 10-17 |
8:00 AM |
Chrismon Fundraiser |
* Worship Services are in BOLD print
Minute Prayers
CLICK HERE for October 3-9 Minute Prayers
CLICK HERE for October 10-16 Minute Prayers
These links take you to the Minute Prayers
on our website; once there,
find the day you seek then click the “+”
to open the prayer for that day.
If you would like to receive a Minute Prayer email every day
(and are not already subscribed), click here.
“Faith Works News”
“Faith Works News,”
our weekly, paperless newsletter,
is emailed every Friday morning.
Deadline to submit announcements
and articles for “Faith Works News” is
Wednesday by 10 am.
Send submissions to:
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Worship Services: Sunday’s at 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Faith Lutheran Church | 4010 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628 |
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