Faith Works & NewsOctober 15, 2021
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Know Christ! Live Christ! Make Christ Known!
The committee will have 20 angel pins for purchase for $10 each. Any amount donated will be greatly appreciated for our mission project as well as providing more Chrismons for the sanctuary. If you write a check, please add “Chrismons” in the memo line of your check. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kim Herndon or the church office. Chrismons are Christmas tree ornaments that use Christian symbols. The word, Chrismon, is a combination of Christ and monogram (meaning symbol). These symbols of Christ on a Christmas tree help Christians to remember that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’s birth and a look into His life, and the ultimate gift – His death and resurrection. The story of Jesus is explained through the ornaments in traditional colors of white and gold. White is the liturgical (or Church) color for Christmas and symbolizes that Jesus was pure and perfect. Gold symbolizes His Majesty and Glory.
The LWR Quilts and Kits Blessing
The Lutheran World Relief quilt is special! It brings warmth on a cold night, shelter from the sun on a hot day. It becomes a bed, a room divider, a backpack to carry belongs, and sometimes even a home. | The quilts are distributed by Lutheran World Relief to Refugees and other people around the world, including the US. Each quilt is one of a kind with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of hope by caring women. | We know that some of our quilts have gone to Georgia (Russia), Honduras, Guatemala, Serbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, and Angola, among others. |

TRUNKS of TREATS You can print this poster and give it to a friend! |

What Is A Lay Reader? A lay reader is a person who reads the scripture lessons during our worship services. Public scripture reading is an important ministry as the reader becomes a vehicle for sharing God’s word with the congregation.
Who Can Be A Lay Reader? Members of Faith who have the gift and commitment to read. This is a very practical way to invite people to become more involved with our church.
A schedule for the 2022 lay readers will be published before the end of this year. You will receive a copy of the worship guide from the church office a few days before your scheduled date, so you can prepare and review the scripture reading.
Deadline to get your information back to us is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24.

Ushers are urgently needed for the 11:00 service
You can sit and attend Holy Communion with your family.
Sign-up at the Visitor Center or call or email.
Need more information? Contact, Gil Bowers or the church office.
GREETERS for 2022 Sharing God’s Love – One SMILE at a time! |
Do you like to SMILE? Meet new people?
Would you like to be on a Greeter team at our church?
(Deadline to sign up is Nov 8th.)
The Holy Spirit has led ALL that come through our doors. It’s our responsibility for ALL to feel God’s love and show our eagerness for ALL to hear the good news of HIS sacrifice for ALL. | Our Greeters are like a lens on a camera that brings into focus the true picture of our church and God’s love for ALL. | Be that reason someone feels His love and wants to return again and again! | Greeters are assigned to greet once every 6-7 weeks. You would be given a schedule before the end of the year. There are always options to trade dates with other greeters when you will be out of town. |
We encourage ALL members (including children) to consider greeting!
“Welcome him in the Lord with great joy!” -Philippians 2:29.
Any questions, please text or call me.
God’s Blessings,
Kathy Craig, Greeter Chair (church box 38)
BAGS TO MATS NEEDS BAGS! After taking the summer a little slower, we are back in full force. So we are again asking everyone to donate their clean HEB type bags to make mats for the homeless. And we invite everyone to join us on Friday, 15 October at 10:00 in Rm 116 for our next BAGS to MATS meeting. We need people to cut, loop and crochet, and we’ll teach you how. Hope to see you there!
A new Compass Group is starting at Faith Lutheran Church for Professional Women interested in digging into God’s Word while we share the joys and challenges of balancing our personal and professional lives.
The next meeting is Sunday, November 14. Going forward from then, the group will meet on the Second Sunday of month in Room B116, 5:30-7:30 p.m.. We will use a six-session study titled “The Dwelling Place of God: Lessons from Ezra and Haggai,” which highlights God’s longing to dwell among us. To let us know you are interested or for more information, contact Jill Meyer or CLICK HERE. (There will not be a meeting Oct. 10.)
For more information, contact Vicar John Cotner, 512-863-7332.
October 10 Sunday Summary
Income | Sunday Giving1: | $24,965.00 | General Fund |
Year to Date: | $994,891.50 | ||
Budget | YTD Budget: | $999,848.08 | |
Income vs Budget: | $(14,956.58) | Over (Short) | |
Attendance | Online2/8:15/11: | 110/193/181=484 | |
2021 Avg: | 483 | ||
Pre-COVID vs COVID: | (73) | Over (Short)3 |
1 $24,386.54 needed weekly to meet 2021 adjusted budget.
2 This number reflects completed online attendance cards, not views.
3 Pre-COVID, 3/8/2020, average worship attendance was 556.
CLICK HERE to Join us for Online Worship
Join us for our live stream
on Sunday mornings at 8:15 am,
or on-demand anytime after 9:30 am.
Readings for this Sunday:
Ecclesiastes 5:10–20; (Psalm 119:9–16);
Hebrews 4; Mark 10:23–31
CLICK HERE for Adult Bible Study with Pastor Pohland
(Bible Study will be “live” after 7 a.m. Sunday morning.)
CLICK HERE for October 10-16 Minute Prayers
CLICK HERE for October 17-23 Minute Prayers
These links take you to the Minute Prayers
on our website; once there,
find the day you seek then click the “+”
to open the prayer for that day.
If you would like to receive a Minute Prayer email every day
(and are not already subscribed), click here.
“Faith Works News”
“Faith Works News,”
our weekly, paperless newsletter,
is emailed every Friday morning.
Deadline to submit announcements
and articles for “Faith Works News” is
Wednesday by 10 am.
Send submissions to:
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Worship Services: Sunday’s at 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Faith Lutheran Church | 4010 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628 |
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